In a perfect world we would like to wake up with rosy cheeks, dark voluminous lashes, pinkish lips, and flawless full brows........Well..... that doesn't always happen. When a client begins coming to me my goal is always to grow out the hairs that are missing and to find THEIR TRUE BROW, sadly 90% of my clients come to me with over tweezed eyebrows. We begin a what I call an eyebrow boot camp where my directions are thoroughly followed for at least three months. Sometimes and quite often hair does not grow back, hence the reason YES sometimes to make your eyebrows look their best a little filling-in IN THE RIGHT PLACES is necessary, for instance the ends and the top of the arch are common areas that need to be filled in. The entire eyebrow usually does not as the idea is for the eyebrow to look natural which is usually the opposite of what most people do. 

Can you make my eyebrows look like this???

Ok, do you know how many times a new client comes in and shows me a picture of a celebrity and tells me to shape her eyebrow like theirs?? A MILLION TIMES!!!!! Unless you are bringing a picture of a celebrity that you are constantly being told you like because let's say... you have their eyes... its impossible for their shape to look the same as yours because there are so many factors when its comes to your eye and nose proportions. You may have a bigger/smaller brow bone or deep set eyes versus wide set eyes. I do my best to look at YOUR features as a guide to highlight your TRUE BROWS....So please leave the celebrity pictures at home as when you step into The Brow Room you are the STAR of the show....

At what age should I take my daughter to get her eyebrows shaped?

I get asked this question all the time by mother's and there really is not a specific "age". The first thing I recommend however is that they wait until their daughter becomes a young woman because the face changes, for example by expanding horizontally or vertically, these changes could alter her nose and eyebrow proportion which is the essential guideline I use for a balanced brow. In addition to this, it's important that she is ready to get them shaped for instance has she herself picked up to tweezers to clean them? If so, she is ready as you do not want her to ruin her natural beautiful shape!